Professor Radoslaw Spiewak - Contact

Contact address of prof. Radoslaw Spiewak

Please kindly note: I am not in position to answer requests for medical consultations per email. In order to make an appointment at my consultancy, please kindly call at + 48 665 53 44 00 (workdays from 11.00 to 19.00). More information about medical consultations.

Present employment:

Department of Experimental Dermatology and Cosmetology, Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Head)

Institute of Dermatology, Krakow (Cracow), Poland (Director of development)

Dermatology Consultancy '' (Consultant in dermatology, allergy and sexually transmitted diseases)

Sensimun - independent biomedical research laboratory

Polish Allergists' Portal '' (Editor in Chief)

Scientific journal Estetologia Medyczna i Kosmetologia (Editor in Chief)

Scientific journal Dermatopedia (Editor in Chief)

Polski Po polsku

© Radoslaw Spiewak
This page is part of the website.
Document created: 25 October 2003, last updated: 25 November 2021.